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We're a small team of three with very little experience in our fields, but we're making progress. Fern mainly takes care of the art department, Adelaidë's is mainly programming, Acorn is an overall supervisor for our shenanigans, as for writing both Acorn and Adelaidë co-write the script. We all take turns testing new music ideas, while also brainstorming possible plot points and mechanics.


       The game is simply a fun passion project for no reason other than something to do, but we're dedicated to fleshing this out with time.


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Programmer & Writer


Hi, I’m Adelaidë, the main programmer for the game! I like anime, video games and screaming into the void. In my free time, I cosplay, create art, write, and mourn the loss of fictional characters because I have nothing better to do. Hope you enjoy following along with the progress of the game :))



Art Director & Music Assistant 


Hello! I'm the main artist for the game, working on sprites, backgrounds, and even the text boxes! I mainly use procreate for my job, as for the music I use Garage Band. I'm mainly into art as a hobby, but I can also branch into music and design!



Music Director & Writer


Since Acorn refuses to add a paragraph, I (Fern) will. Acorn is the main supervisor who comes in and edits script, code, and brings the ideas to the table. Most music tracks are run through Acorn before we add it to the game, as well as backgrounds and concepts.

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